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รุจนภาคย์ หนูจันทร์แก้ว
พระสุริยา สริโย (คงคาไหว)
พระธีรวัฒน์ อนาวิโล (ทองบุญชู)


The objectives of this thematic paper were as follows:- 1) To study the work morale of non-commissioned police officers, investigation center, police provincial region 9. 2) To compare the work morale of non-commissioned police officers, investigation center, police provincial region 9 in terms of ages, marital status, degree of educations, rank, and duration of working as differently. 3) To study the suggestions were concerned with problems and resolutions the morale of non-commissioned police officers, investigation center, police provincial region 9. The population were non-commissioned police officers, investigation center, police provincial region 9, sample size by Krejcie and Morgan’s table, got the sample at the number of 172 persons, the instrument for data collection was questionnaire, both closed and open end, data analysis by package computer program, statistical analysis by frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test F-test and LSD Method.

          The results found that:-

          The morale of non-commissioned police officers, investigation center, police provincial region 9 by overviews were at moderate level, identified in terms of ages, marital status, degree of educations, rank, and duration of working found that by overviews were at moderate level, when considered in each aspect found that working location aspect was the highest average, and followed up as the relation between commander and college aspect, and incomes and welfare aspect was the lowest average.

          The comparative results of morale of non-commissioned police officers, investigation center, police provincial region 9 identified in terms of ages, marital status, degree of educations, rank, and duration of working, they were not different as statistical significance at 0.05.

The suggestions were concerned with problems and resolutions of morale of non-commissioned police officers, investigation center, police provincial region 9, the problems found that, not enough of incomes, bonus was not come out in time, more steps to get welfare, equipment and budget were not enough, working out of area, they must pay their money, not enough of instruments for working. The resolutions, there should be up their incomes or to promote them to get more incomes, there should be reduce of steps for getting welfare, to remain only main point, there should be provided more budget for buying instruments in working.

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