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The objectives of this research articles were : 1) to study the public participation in politics of the local people within Khukhud Sub-district, Sathingphra District, Songkhla Province. 2) to compare the public participation in politics of the local people within Khukhud Sub-district, Sathingphra District,Songkhla Province in term of variables of gender, ages, educational level and different occupations 3) to study the suggestion concerning problems and provide solutions about public participation in politics of the local people within Khukhud Sub-district, Sathingphra District, Songkhla Province.The research instruments used in the study is questionnaires.The research samplings consist of 364 local people; using computerized systematic program and summarizing by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and the comparison of difference by using t-test and f-test.
The result of the research found that:
- The public participation in politics of the local people within Khukhud Sub-district, Sathingphra District, Songkhla Province in the overall view was in moderate level. Focusing on earning,it was found that local people participating in genera lelection was at the above average.Problem solving proposal, participation in development activities, following up investigation and performance evaluation were at moderate level.
- The comparison of the participation in politics of the local people within Khukhud Sub-district, Sathingphra District, Songkhla Province in term of variables of gender, ages, educational level and different occupations, it was found that there was not different in gender and age. The public participation in politics for those in educational and occupation differed at the significant rate of 0.05.
- The suggestions on the public participation in politics of the local people. Local people did not have an opportunity to propose any developing idea. People did not have any chance to investigate. There was no evaluation. It was difficult to investigate politicians. Allowing people to share information before starting any government project. Allowing people to participate in political investigation. Setting up an evaluation procedure and preparing activity report of projects for updated and clearly information.
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