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The purposes of this research were 1) to study the level of opinions of monks towards the leadership of Sangha Administrator in Phanom District. Surat Thani 2) to compare the opinions of monks towards the leadership of Sangha Administrator in Phanom District Surat Thani 3) To study the problems Obstacles and suggestions of monks regarding the leadership of Sangha Administrative monks in Phanom District, Surat Thani ProvinceThe survey research was conducted 100 monks in Phanom District by using Cluster Sampling, a tool used to collect data as a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA and comparing treatment group means by least significant difference (LSD) method.
The results of the study were as follows:
- The monks' opinions on the leadership of Sangha Administrator in Phanom District Surat Thani In all 7 aspects, found that the overall picture is at a high level The average value is 3.55 and when the classification is ranked in order from highest to lowest, it is found that the governance is in a high level. Mean is 3.91, followed by education, average is 3.85 leadership characteristics With an average of 3.84 and the administrative factor of the abbot With an average value of 3.78 for religious objects With an average of 3.77 for ordinances, an average of 3.76 and for personnel administration The average is 3.70 respectively.
- Leadership When classified according to overall personal condition Buddhist monks who have worldly education And Pali education different There were different opinions on the leadership of Sangha Administrator. Which is in line with the hypothesis For monks with different religious education and positions There was no difference in opinions on the leadership of Abbot. Which is not in line with the hypothesis set
- The main problems of the said abbots are the limitation concerned on the development of the temple and nearby communities. Most of them have followed the traditional approach including the organization of temple-based ceremonies, lack ofcommunity participation, ineffective communication caused the shortage of real time information and lack of understanding on the problems, development inefficiency due to the poor community relation.They have no any policy and plans in advance leading to the goals.The approach of each temple was rather scattered and lack of coordination of the network, especially, the shortage of experienced and competent monks in the fieldof development.
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