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Vitoon Vejprasit
Pricha Samakkhi
Prawit Nuengmatcha


The objectives of this research were to 1. study the context of coastal fisheries 2. Develop a Creating shared value model for coastal fishery management 3. Evaluate the effectiveness of using the shared value model in coastal fishery management. The sampling population were 7 experts in coastal fishery management, 5 academics, 90 community members, Data were collected by means of the synthesis of documents and research papers, the questionnaire, the focus group, the observation, the interviewing of the coastal fishermen, water analysis instruments the determining consistency by IOC method and content analysis.  

The result of the study were as follows.

1. The synthesis of documents and research papers revealed that the coastal fishery was an occupation and way of life of the people at Pakphanang Bay. The sustainable of the coastal fishery must be operated promptly and with the participation of all who concerned. And at the same time, the conservation and rehabilitation should be made to enrich the fertility of the bay. It was found that the physical characteristic of Pakphanang Bay was becoming shallower than in the past, causing the change of the ecosystem and the depletion of the coastal resource. An analytic of water quality and sediments in Pakphanang bay showed no effect on aquatic resource. The economic condition of the household was found to earn low income. Studying the best practice showed that, there were many sustainable activities to create shared value which will increase the income of coastal fishermen. And the analysis of the problem and need of the villagers revealed that the villagers need some piece of land for their own. They also need some fund for doing occupation.

2. The results of the development of creating shared value model in coastal fishery management found that the model consists of steps Activities and evaluations in 4 areas which are conservation and restoration of coastal fishery resources Regarding participation of government personnel and citizens The use of appropriate technology for their careers and aquatic product processing and marketing.

3. The evaluation of the creating shared value model in coastal fishery management has set up a conservation and rehabilitation plan to increase the richness of Pakphanang Bay. The local administrator were realized to work with the coastal community to enrich the Bay. The coastal fishermen were realized in working together to increase their resource which will lead to the better life quality.

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