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Mananchaya Khuanramphung
Benchaporn Chanakul
Supap Temrat


          The research aimed to 1) study creative leadership, 2) compare the teachers’ opinions on creative leadership, and 3) study the guidelines to develop the creative leadership of the school administrators. The research collected the qualitative data from 8 persons using focus group discussion. The population for collecting the quantitative data was 921 people. The sample was 269 people. The research tool was a five-point rating scale questionnaire and the focus group discussion. The statistics used for data analysis included percentage, standard deviation, t-test, and content analysis.    

          The results showed that:

          1. The overall creative leadership in all aspects was at a high level.

          2. The overall result and the result of each aspect for comparing the teachers’ opinions on the creative leadership classified by gender were not different. However, there were differences in flexibility and adaptability, with the significant differences at .05. Classified by work experience, it found significant differences in the overall and all aspects, with the significant differences at .05. Classified by school size, no significant difference was found.

          3. Data analysis results used for the guidelines to develop the creative leadership gained from the focus group discussion revealed that all aspects should be developed simultaneously because all aspects are vital and are the significant qualities of the administrators. The administrators must have a broad vision, various new ideas in the different processes, ability to build a good atmosphere for working as a team. They must encourage personnel in educational institutions to exchange knowledge with each other. Moreover, they must know how to assign tasks based on the knowledge and abilities of each person.

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