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PhramahaBan Paññadharo
Phra Methithammajarn
Phramaha Sunan Sunando


This research article aimed to study the level of opinion compared to public opinion, problems, obstacles, and suggestions. The research used mixed methods: quantitative and quantitative methods. The survey was used to collect the data using questionnaires from 372 people of Khlong Suan Phlu Subdistrict in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya district for the quantitative research. The statistics used in this research were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. For the qualitative research, data were collected from 19 key informants. The data were analyzed systematically using descriptive analysis and classification.

         The research showed that:

1. Overall, public opinion was at a high level.

2. Although personal factors were different, the opinions were not different. Thus, the research denied the hypothesis.

3. Problems and obstacles were as follows: the handrail in the bathroom was more expansive than the usable area. There were just a few signboards showing facilities, no signs of facilities for the elderly, disabled, and wheelchair users. There was no emergency button inside the bathroom to ask for help from outsiders. The area in the bathroom for the disabled, the elderly, and wheelchair users was not under international standards. For the suggestions, the temple should use a retractable wall-mounted handrail, not more expansive than the usable area for more convenience. The temple should have handrails on the sides to aid in the balance of the users. The temple should add more signs showing easy-to-understand symbols according to international principles and more symbols or texts showing the facilities for the disabled, the elderly, and wheelchair users.  The label's background should be changed from blue or white colors alternately. The temple should have an emergency signal for outside assistance installed in the bathrooms. The temple should use a lever-type faucet or automatic system. The space inside the bathrooms for the disabled, the elderly, and wheelchair users should be wide so that the trolley can turn around. The area should have a diameter not less than 1.5 meters.

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Research Articles


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