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Patlada Wongyotha
Chuleeporn Nahuanin
Supawat Boonnadee


          The purposes of this study were 1) to study and compare English reading ability using SQ3R technique of Mathayomsuksa 3 students before and after the instruction, and 2X to study students’ attitude towards teaching English reading ability using SQ3R technique.
The sample consisted of 23 students of Mathayomsuksa 3 students at Nongnakam Wittayakom School in the second semester of the academic year 2020. They were selected by purposive selection. The design of this research was a one group pretest-posttest design. The research instruments included 10 lesson plans, an English reading ability for comprehension test, and an attitude questionnaire.
          The findings were as follows;
          1. The students’ pretest and posttest mean scores on English reading ability for comprehension were 6.17 or 20.58 percent and 21.22 or 72.72 percent respectively. The posttest score was higher than the criteria of 70 percent and it was significantly higher than that of the pretest at the .01 level.
          2. The students’ attitude towards teaching English reading ability for comprehension using SQ3R technique was at a good level.

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