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Kroekkiat Sribunruang
Taneenart Na-soontorn
Sujittra Osodapirak


This research aimed to 1) study the level of kindergarten parents' satisfaction towards Orapinpittaya School administration and 2) compare the level of satisfaction towards school administration classified by income and educational level. The population used in the research was 252 parents of Kindergarten 1 to Kindergarten 3 in Orapinpittaya School. The data collection tools were questionnaires with a reliability of 0.94. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The research showed that:

Overall, the kindergarten parents' satisfaction with school administration was at a high level. The most satisfying aspect was the personnel management. The comparison results of the parents' satisfaction with school administration revealed that:

  1. Parents with an income of less than 10,000 baht per month had higher overall satisfaction with school administration than parents with other income groups. Parents with incomes of 20,001– 40,000 baht had higher satisfaction with budget and personnel management than parents with other income groups.

2. Parents with secondary education had higher overall satisfaction with school administration than parents with other educational groups. It could be said that parents with different income and academic levels had high satisfaction. The reasons for the high satisfaction were based on the following school operations: lower tuition rates than other schools of the same class, free tuition benefits for the third child or student with the same last name, free tuition for the children of the school teachers and staff members until the end of the highest grade. Scholarship available, awards for students who study well; behave well; and build a reputation for the school, including medical treatment in case of accident or illness.

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