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kwankamon Saysen


The purpose of this research is to 1) To study components of participatory administration of private schools. Krabi Province 2) To study the level of opinions on components of participatory administration of private schools. Krabi Province and 3) To analyze components of participatory administration of private schools. Krabi Province Data were collected from interview forms with 8 key informants, 9 directors of private schools in Krabi Province, and 312 sample groups. A total of 312 questionnaires were returned, representing 100%. Data were analyzed using frequency, hundredth. each standard deviation 

The results showed that;

The level of opinion on the participatory management component of private schools in Krabi province. Average of opinions, elements, participatory administration in private schools. On a case-by-case basis at the highest level, it was found that teachers' participation in the evaluation of the implementation of the school curriculum for teaching and learning was at the highest level and the building of relationships to achieve close and mutual understanding between administrators, teachers and school boards was at the lowest level. It found that there are a total of 5 elements, comprising the elements Quality Management, Cooperation between educational institutions and communities, System of administration in educational institutions, Participatory corporate management and Participation of personnel in educational institutions.

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