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Kanya Wongvetchakut
Phrakrupalad Siwarit Sutthimano (Danprasit)


     The academic article aims to study and research the socialization process through representatives of social groups. The researcher studied and researched through Thai and English documents, research pieces, books, textbooks, dictionaries, and scriptures of different religions. Socialization refers to educating members of a society to learn the rules of society, be aware of their values, and apply those rules as guidelines in practicing. Socialization is a necessity that a human must have throughout life to adapt to the society in which they are a member and will allow them to behave under their status and roles. Socialization is a social and psychological process influencing a person's personality traits because society requires children born to be trained to be real people, able to coexist and have a smooth relationship with others. The socialization process begins with the birth of that person into the world. Essential representatives having these duties are family, group of friends, educational institutions, religions, occupation, political and government institutes, and mass media. These representatives have roles in socialization by educating the persons to know the values and ideals that society adheres to and learn the norms and traditions that exist in society.

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Academic Article


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