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Siwarit Sutthimano
Kanya Wongvetchakul
Kantaphon Nuthongkaew


The academic article "Socialization under Concepts of Buddhist Scholars" aims to study the process of socialization through group representatives in society. The researcher used a research method of searching documents, research papers, books, textbooks, and scriptures in various Thai and English religions. Socialization is the process by which people learn and absorb the norms and values of society by teaching or telling each other directly and from their observation to live with others correctly and appropriately. It is also the way to develop oneself and personality to be a good member of society. Many Buddhist scholars have given ideas of socialization. Based on the concepts presented by Buddhist scholars, Buddhism praises persons who pass the socialization process as the nonesuch. It is believed that the nonesuch's body, speech, and mind are well passed the training process. With this training, appropriate behaviors are inevitably presented. Social socialization in the Buddhist concept can put society in good order and coexistence in society with peaceful living. Buddhist training for socialization is necessary and essential
to the individual as one must practice for self-improvement to be happy, prosperous and create good things for oneself and others. When people pass the good socialization process, they can achieve significant benefits appropriately.

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Academic Article


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