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An academic article on “Socialization throughout the Buddhist Process” aims to study socialization throughout the Buddhist process. We used research methods and analysis from documents, research papers, books, textbooks, dictionaries, and scriptures in various religions, both Thai and English. Socialization means the process of educating members of society to learn social order in order to appreciate and apply rules. Rules of conduct as a guideline for conduct Socialization is a necessity that human beings must acquire throughout their lives. As for socialization throughout the Buddhist process, it has adopted the principles of Buddhism, namely the Threefold Principles, which consist of morality, concentration, and wisdom. And the eightfold path, which is the guideline or practice that is a middle way of ethics that creates a mortal person to be a noble person It is a virtue that promotes human resource development. It consists of eight virtues, as follows: 1) Right view 2) Right Intention 3) Right speech 4) Right Action 5) Right livelihood 6) Right effort; 7) Right mindfulness; and 8) Right concentration. Therefore, the application of Buddha Dharma both in the worldly and globally in human resource development is beneficial to both human beings as individuals. and as a resource for the organization and the nation. Make people human beings with both talent, goodness, and happiness.
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