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Aekkachai Salim
Phraanuruk Anurukkhito
Artit Intarapakdee
Thanes Nokpech


     This academic article aims to study the Buddhist educational system that has existed since the Buddha's time as a model in current education and study the Buddhist principles that contribute to the educational system as the pillar with more quintessence of Dharma principles. From the study based on the mentioned objectives, there is a systematic education model in Buddhism, which will be divided into three parts. Firstly, it is a study of the Buddhist scriptures focusing on the theory and principles of Buddhism. The second part is the practice, which applies the theory to real practice to gain actual results, leading to the ultimate goal of practice. The third part is attaining enlightenment, which means the result of practice. When receiving the results of the study and practice, it means that the practitioner has already finished that study and practice. It is the way to take pleasure in the results gained from the practice, which is the advanced duties the practitioner can do and reach the goals. Therefore, it can be seen that systematic education in Buddhism enables students to reach their ultimate goals. Moreover, from the studies of Dharma principles in Buddhism, which is a part to support education, Iddhipada 4: Basis for Success: Passion, Diligence, Mind or Consciousness, and Investigation is a principle that can support learners or those who want to study succeed in education. The educational management model and Dharma principles in Buddhism are the guidelines used for application to fit the current educational management systematically. It is believed that if there is an in-depth study, it will be able to develop more precise results of the Thai education system.

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Academic Article


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