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Thanapol Temtub
Boonlert Weeraponkan
Phrakhru Phichitsuphakan


        The study aimed to 1) study conditions of identity to enhance learner characteristics, 2) study the guidelines for developing identity under the Benjaviti principle to enhance learner characteristics, and 3) present guidelines for identity development under the Benjaviti principle to enhance learner characteristics. The study employed a qualitative research method. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 15 informants, in-depth interviews with five experts, and a focus group discussion with seven experts. The research tools were interviews and a focus group discussion.

The findings revealed that;

        1. For the conditions of identity, Kanchanapisek Wittayalai School, Krabi, operated to enhance student characteristics as follows: 1) Planning – there was an operation plan, but the school staff lacked understanding of the Benjaviti principle’s characteristic framework, 2) Identity implementation - the procedures in method, process, and implementation were unclear, 3) Supervision, monitoring, and evaluation - there was supervision, monitoring, and evaluation under the participatory way in a flexible manner. However, the process and procedures were unclear. The school also lacked tools and plans for practical measurement and evaluation, and 4) Identity improvement, correction, and maintenance – the school applied role model methods through teachers, staff, and student leaders, including using public relations to spread knowledge to students.

        2. Guidelines for developing school identity under the Benjaviti principles comprised four steps: 1) Planning, 2) Identity implementation, 3) Supervision, monitoring, and evaluation, and 4) Identity improvement, correction, and maintenance.

        3. Presentation results of guidelines for developing school identity by the experts revealed that the guidelines were feasible, appropriate, and beneficial. The guidelines also interconnected between processes and had a clear and practical framework relevant to the monitoring and evaluation process.

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