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Pha Tawee Petchsangkaew
Nopadol Burananuth
Panyarat Panthong


This study aimed to study 1) the opinions’ level of responsibility, faith, reliability, participation, worthiness, and good management in Buddhism, 2) the direct and indirect influences of responsibility, faith, reliability, participation, and worthiness on the good management in Buddhism, and 3) the guidelines of good management development of Buddhism. This research employed the mixed method between quantitative and qualitative research. The data for the quantitative method were collected by the questionnaires from 360 people living in Klong Sam Wa Area of Bangkok. These 360 people were from five districts: Eastherm Sam Wa, Western Sam Wa, Bang Chun, Sai Kong Din, and Southern Sai Kong Din. The sample size was determined through a criterion with 20 times of 18 observed variables. The sample group was selected using a stratified sampling method and analyzed with a structural equation model. The data for qualitative method were collected using in-dept interview with key informants: in temple such as eight Buddhist ecclesiastical official monks as the abbots of the temple, seven related temple staff: four churchwardens and three liaisons. These key informants were chosen by the purposive sampling and were checked to pass the target group qualification following specified criteria. The data were analyzed under the objectives of the content through observation and group discussion.

          The research found that:

  1. Worthiness, reliability, good management in Buddhism, participation, and responsibility were at a high level, while the faith was at the highest level. Overall, these aspects were at a high level ( gif.latex?\bar{X}=4.48, S.D.=0.44)

  2. The influence of responsibility had the most direct effect on faith, at 0.46, followed by reliability at 0.33, participation at 0.22, worthiness at 0.19, and good management in Buddhism at 0.15, respectively. The influence of responsibility had an indirect effect on good management in Buddhism at 0.33, followed by worthiness at 0.24, participation at 0.22, and reliability at 0.09, respectively.

  3. The relationship model for developing good management in Buddhism consisted of faith, worthiness, reliability, good management in Buddhism, participation, and responsibility. It was a guideline for developing a comprehensive temple management method to achieve efficiency in sustainable management in the future.

Article Details

Research Articles
Author Biography

Nopadol Burananuth , Suansunandha Rajabhat University

Ph.d. Program in Development Administration, Suansunandha Rajabhat University


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