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Phramaha Wisitsak Wisitthawetee (Sukruang)
Supreecha Chamnanphuttiphon
Kantaphon Nuthongkaew


        This research aimed to 1) study the attitudes towards politics in the democratic system of Dhammayutika’s monks in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province and 2) analyze and recommend the appropriate attitudes towards politics in the democratic system. This study was mixed-methods research, combining quantitative and qualitative research. The population and sample in qualitative research were 528 Buddhist monks and novices. The researcher determined a sample size using Taro Yamane to gain 228 Buddhist monks and novices as the sample group. For quantitative research, the key informants were five ecclesiastical provincial governors and ecclesiastical district officers from Dhammyuttika, selected by purposive sampling. The research tools used in the quantitative research study were questionnaires, whereas in-depth interviews were used for qualitative research. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics comprising frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. In contrast, qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis.

        Research findings indicated that:

        1. Overall, the attitude level towards politics in the democratic system of Dhammayutika’s monks in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province was average. Concerning the qualitative dimension, the Buddhist monks and novices had good knowledge and understanding of politics very well because the current study enabled them to better understand politics, which was also studied at a Buddhist university.

        2. The recommendation went to the behavior aspect to suggest that the monks must maintain themselves within the Dhamma and Vinaya frameworks. They should not be so obsessed with politics as to prevent them from losing the appropriate Buddhist behaviors. They should also adhere to Buddhist discipleship to avoid negative impacts on religion and themselves.

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