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It is an era in which information technology systems drive everything and constantly change information, causing social conditions to change rapidly, including organizational management. Therefore, the organization that will be successful in this era must have executives with suitable competencies to develop the organization to keep pace with changes. For these reasons, the adaptation of the principles of competency for modern executives in the form of physical, mental, and knowledge is one of the tools to help develop the performance of executives to keep up with changes. Physical means the development of behavioral competencies that can be seen physically, such as being aware of the environment that affects the physical and creatively using the body in relation to the physical environment and benefit both oneself and the organization. Mental means developing mental competence to have good mental health, being ready to work and increasing the potential for effective management, responding creatively to situations that arise, and leading to systematic problem-solving. Knowing means developing knowledge competencies to be a knowledgeable person with an understanding of the various problems that arise, as a matter of fact, including applying the knowledge gained to various situations systematically and creatively.
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