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PhraPakorn Smajaro (Nuchmuang )
Suparat Chuadchum


        The article on the topic of applying technology to disseminate Buddhist art in the modern era aimed to 1) study the application of technology to propagate Buddhist art in the modern era, 2) study and compare the propagation of Buddhist art in the present that is different from the past, and 3) present guidelines for using technology to access Buddhist art in Buddhism. This study employed various methods to allow Buddhists to access information sources conveniently and quickly. The study found that 1) The use of technology by Buddhists to study and research Buddhist artworks still needed to be evident and accepted. 2) Methods and ideas for propagating Buddhist art using technology different from before have been initiated. 3) There were guidelines for using technology that is a leap forward from the past because nowadays, there is a technology that allows Buddhists to access information sources conveniently and quickly. It allows Buddhists interested in Buddhist arts to search for information through various channels such as television, movies, magazines, books, or social media technology. Applying technology to modern Buddhist art will allow Buddhists to access Buddhist art conveniently and quickly. Therefore, various media systems are essential in conveying the principles and teachings of Buddhism through interesting Buddhist artworks, making it easier to influence people's minds even more. Therefore, it is important to create educational opportunities to learn Buddhist art by being able to search for information and sources of knowledge without borders.

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Academic Article


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