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This research aimed to 1) study the personnel management conditions of Phrapariyattidhamma School in General Education, Wat Mueang Yala School,
2) explore guidelines for personnel management under Sàraniyadhamma of Phrapariyattidhamma School in General Education, Wat Mueang Yala School, and 3) propose the guidelines for personnel management under Sàraniyadhamma of Phrapariyattidhamma School in General Education, Wat Mueang Yala School. This was qualitative research. For studying the conditions, the research interviewed 15 key informants. Field trips were organized to three selected schools for studying guidelines, and five experts were interviewed. For proposing the guidelines, a group discussion was provided with nine experts.
The findings were as follows:
- The personnel management conditions of the school showed there were not enough personnel for the students. Most personnel needed a teaching license. They were assigned tasks based on their abilities but did not cover all the tasks. Personnel should receive further education. Compensation did not meet the criteria, and there were no clear performance evaluation criteria.
- Guidelines for school personnel management consisted of five components: personnel planning, personnel arrangement to work, personnel development, personnel retention, and performance evaluation. The guidelines should integrate the principles of Sàraniyadhamma; Mettàkàyakamma-emphasizing personal benefits, Mettàvacãkamma: determining a clear framework, Mettàmanokamma: creating positive attitudes, Sàdhàraõabhogità: creating public benefits, Silasamannatà: organization, Ditthisamannayatà: understanding and participation.
- The proposed guidelines' results were proper, possible, and useful. However, the process should be improved by adding the following aspects: comprehensive planning, clear operational processes, fixed personnel qualifications, building a network of personnel development, reward and commendation, supervision, monitoring and evaluation, and management with participation.
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