The Development of Achievement Test of Probability According to Bloom’s Taxonomy : Applying Item Response Theory For Grade 10th student.


  • วลีรัตน์ พะโยธร คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม


แบบทดสอบวัดผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียน, ความน่าจะเป็น, ทฤษฎีการเรียนรู้ของบลูมใหม่


The objectives of the research were; 1) to developing tests of mathematical probability for Mathayomsueksa 4 by New Bloom’s Taxonomy, 2) to discover quality. The sample of this study consisted of 600 Mattayomsueksa 4 students in the second semester of the academic year of 2020 in Surin Province, whom were obtained by using a Multi-Stage Random Sampling technique. Research instrument in this study was a multiple choice. The test has Unidimensionality according to factor analysis and data were analyzed with IRT PRO 5.

            The results of the study were as follows: For the result of finding out the quality of test items based on Item Respond Theory (IRT) and screening test items with required parameter, a group of 36 multiple choice items test was obtained with discriminating power (a) ranging between 0.52 - 2.44, difficulties (b) ranging between -0.39 - 1.13 and probabilities of correct guess (c) ranging between 0.09 - 0.20. It was also found that the item information function with an average of 7.00 and test information function has a maximum value of 17.18


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How to Cite

พะโยธร ว. (2021). The Development of Achievement Test of Probability According to Bloom’s Taxonomy : Applying Item Response Theory For Grade 10th student. URU Journal of Integrated Sciences for Development, 11(2), 117–130. Retrieved from



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