The first is to develop a learning management plan of creative business project to develop local intellectual products of secondary students.



  • วราวุฒิ อัมพุธ คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่


แผนการจัดการเรียนรู้, โครงงานธุรกิจสร้างสรรค์, ผลิตภัณฑ์ภูมิปัญญาชาวบ้าน


This article presents three major objectives. The first is to develop a learning management plan of creative business project to develop local intellectual products of secondary students. The second objective concerns studying skills to formulate a creative business project to develop local intellectual products of secondary students. The third objective aims to explore the students’ satisfaction with learning activities on a creative business project to develop local intellectual products of secondary students.

            Employing a quantitative methodology, this research used a concept of experimentalism proposed by John Dewey as a major framework. In terms of demography, it focuses on Thai Rath Witthaya 99 School (Ban Mae Suya) in Mae Hong Son. The population under the research includes 23 students of grade 8 in the second semester of the academic year 2008. Research tools feature plans on learning management in the form of creative business project to develop local intellectual products. There are 7 plans with a total hour of 20. The quality rate was calculated by 5 specialists, using fundamental statistics to analyze the data, namely average (µ) and standard deviations (Ó).

            Results concerning the rate of evaluation on suitability of an economics learning management plan of creative business project to develop local intellectual products of secondary students showed the average of 4.81 and the standard deviations of 0.30. Therefore, the results of the plan were regarded as the highest.

            In terms of results of the study on the creative business project to develop local intellectual products of secondary students, the overall average was 4.81 and the standard deviations 0.30, hence the highest skill on making the project. When considering each process, it was found that 3 processes with the highest average were the fourth step: revision (μ = 5.00), the third one: action (μ = 4.86) and the fifth: presentation (μ = 4.86) respectively.

The overall results of evaluation regarding students’ satisfaction with organizing learning activities on the creative business project to develop local intellectual products of secondary students were high with the average of 4.93 and the standard deviations 0.30. When considering each point, it was found that the opinion belonged to the highest satisfaction. The average can be arranged according to the highest average rate as the followings. Teachers had techniques on classroom administration and encouraged students to practice their rights under limits (μ = 5.00). Teachers created an atmosphere where learners felt successful with their work, resulting in their better learning ability (μ = 5.00). Students had a chance to explore the community to find an issue for the project (μ = 5.00). Project-based activities enabled students to take part in action by themselves (μ = 5.00). Students could apply knowledge to their real life (μ = 5.00). Students felt proud of local intellectual products (μ = 5.00). Students had skills and used experiences gained from the project for their future careers (μ = 5.00). Students were proud of their own intellectual products (μ = 5.00). Students realized values of their own local intellect (μ = 5.00). Students could summarize the project according to its regulations (μ = 5.00). Students could present their project in classroom creatively (μ = 5.00).


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How to Cite

อัมพุธ ว. (2021). The first is to develop a learning management plan of creative business project to develop local intellectual products of secondary students. : -. URU Journal of Integrated Sciences for Development, 11(2), 105–115. Retrieved from



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