Development of the Instructional Model Based on Constructive Theory (ECEIL Model) the Efficiency of the Math Exercise of Sequences and Series Based to Enhance Math Learning Abilities of Mathayom 5 Students

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Naritsara Aekwongsa
Pimporn Charuchit


The purposes of the study were to 1) develop the instructional model based on constructive theory to enhance Math learning abilities of Mathayom 5 students, 2) to compare the learning achievement of Math before and after using the instructional model based on Constructive theory to enhance Math learning abilities of Mathayom 5 students, and 3) to  evaluate students’ satisfaction to the instructional model based on Constructive theory to enhance Math learning abilities of Mathayom 5 students. The participants were 28 students from Ban Nong Ya Ma Community School in the second semester chosen by Sample random sampling. The instruments were the lesson plans, the learning assessment, and the students’ satisfaction evaluation form. The data were analyzed to find the average, mean, standard deviation and t-test sample. The results of the study found; 1) The results from the ECEIL Model found that there are 3 parts of the model; the factor of principles and objectives, the factor of process, and the factor of application process. There are 4 steps of learning process; the engagement, the committee work method, the evaluation and the integration and linking to life. The ECEIL Model was effective at 78.20 / 82.56 comparing to the standard at 75/75. 2) The results from the learning assessment found that after using the model the learning achievement was significantly higher at .05, and 3) the students’ satisfaction was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Aekwongsa, N. ., & Charuchit, P. . (2024). Development of the Instructional Model Based on Constructive Theory (ECEIL Model) the Efficiency of the Math Exercise of Sequences and Series Based to Enhance Math Learning Abilities of Mathayom 5 Students. Journal of Intellect Education, 2(4), 38–48. retrieved from
Research Article


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