Leader’s Motivating Language and Employee Voice Behavior: Exploring the Roles of Positive Emotional Culture as a Mediator and Procedural Justice Climate as a Moderator

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Agung Minto Wahyu
Alice Salendu


Positive emotional culture is a vital aspect that can encourage various positive outcomes in an organization. Unfortunately, most current research still focuses on cognitive and negative emotional cultures. Moreover, most of these studies do not include organizational climate conditions, such as procedural justice climate. This study aimed to explain the role of positive emotional culture as a mediator and procedural justice climate as a moderator in the relationship between leader’s motivating language and employee voice behavior. A quantitative online survey was conducted on 158 employees from various types of organizations in Indonesia. Data analysis was conducted using Hayes's PROCESS macro for simple mediation analysis, and moderated-mediation analysis. The results showed that positive emotional culture fully mediates the effect of leader’s motivating language on employee voice behavior (β = .21, 95% CI = [.01, .40]). Furthermore, procedural justice climate is significant as a moderator between leader’s motivating language and employee voice behavior mediated by positive emotional culture (β = .18, 95% CI = [.04, .31]). These findings provide knowledge that a positive emotional culture and procedural justice climate are very important for employees in Indonesia. This study recommends that organizations should strive to create a positive emotional culture and procedural justice climate to foster employee voice behavior necessary to achieve organizational goals.


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How to Cite
Wahyu, A. M., & Salendu, A. (2024). Leader’s Motivating Language and Employee Voice Behavior: Exploring the Roles of Positive Emotional Culture as a Mediator and Procedural Justice Climate as a Moderator. The Journal of Behavioral Science, 19(2), 1–15. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/IJBS/article/view/269548
Research Articles
Author Biography

Alice Salendu, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia

Faculty of Psychology


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