The communication and identification about behavioral of drinking Kratom on social media
Communication, Identity, KratomAbstract
This qualitative research is aimed to study the communication pattern of social media with content on Kratom drinking behavior and to study the identification of the drinking behavior of the users of social media. A samples were specifically selected from 10 pages as content on Kratom water and most followers. An analyze content by inductive and deductive based on concepts and theories. The results revealed that the communication pattern started with the page owner trying to build an influencer for the audience. As someone who has adept experience in the drinking Kratom water. Coding communicate by text, pictures and video clips correspond to the Kratom situation. There are two types of content: positive content and buzzing content. All content can attract the audience to participate or bond as a group member through the nature of social media. And forward ปีี ที่่� 8 ฉบัั บัที่่� 2 (16) ก.ค. - ธ.ค. 63 /47 information to other members by becoming a network of people who drink Kratom water. The identity of the Kratom drinking behavior is formed by collecting and selecting the identity of the page owner and member, divided into two forms: personal identity from the functional benefit and the social identity from the social signaling benefit. All identities are created and accepted by group members as being able to gain self-confidence and lead to acceptance from the society.
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