Thai Style Discourse Analysis in Four Reigns Literature

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prapaporn limjitsomboon


The aim of this research is to study Thai Style Discourse Analysis strategies in Four Reigns literature.   The research used Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough,1995) and Pragmatics Theory to analyze Discourse strategies because the Discourses that appear in Four Reigns literature are dialogues. The results show strategies of language that make the Critical Discourse Analysis be effective must always have pragmatic presupposition and  speech acts in dialogue ,and The Thai style Discourse Analysis that appear in Four Reigns have 91 Discourses . There are 5 Thai Style Discourses respectively put in line from greatest to least  1.Good Thai People must respect and considerate senior 2. The King is the lord of life 3. Patriarchal Society  4. Social hierarchy 5.Gratitude is symbol of good people.

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How to Cite
limjitsomboon, prapaporn. (2020). Thai Style Discourse Analysis in Four Reigns Literature. Manutsat Paritat: Journal of Humanities, 42(1), 1–25.
Research Articles


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