Integrated Mathematics Teaching with Phra Apai Mani for Developing Primary Students’ Attitudes toward Learning Mathematics and Thai

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Sinchai Jansem


The purpose of this research was to study attitudes toward Thai and mathematics learning of after learning through an integration of mathematics and Thai literature called Phra Apai Mani. The samples were 27 Prathomsuksa 6 students. The research instruments were (1) the integrated mathematics with Pra Apai Mani lesson plans; and (2) questionnaires for measuring learning attitude of the students on Thai and mathematics. The data was collected before and after teaching. The statistics used for data analysis were Mean, Standard Deviation and t-paired Test. The results showed that the attitude before learning mathematics was 3.2 (=3.2, SD=1.11) and the attitude before learning Thai language was 2.2 (Mean =2.2, SD=0.97). The attitude after studying mathematics was 4.1 (Mean =4.1, SD=1.62)  and the attitude after studying Thai language was 3.8 (Mean =3.8, SD=1.21)  When tested by using the t-paired test, it was found that the attitude before learning was significantly different from after learning at the level of 0.01 in both subjects.

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How to Cite
Jansem, S. (2020). Integrated Mathematics Teaching with Phra Apai Mani for Developing Primary Students’ Attitudes toward Learning Mathematics and Thai . Manutsat Paritat: Journal of Humanities, 42(1), 46–54.
Research Articles


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