The conceptual metaphors of love from Japanese music

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นภสร อิงสถิตธนวันต์
soontaree Cunthrampunt


This research aims to study the conceptual metaphors of love from Japanese music. The analysis is based on the conceptual metaphors of Lakoff and Johnson (1980) 's linguistic theory. The hypothesis is that the comparative of “the conceptual of metaphor of love” to type of “nature” will be found the most. The data were collected 55 songs from the 2020 Billboard Japan chart, selected only Japanese songs composed by Japanese in order to perceive the concept of Japanese solely. Then the metaphors in music were analyzed by classifying into each type of them. The conceptual metaphors of love reflect 8 metaphors in sequence from highest to lowest as follows: 1. Love is nature 2. Love is journey 3. Love is things 4. Love is a show 5. Love is sickness 6. Love is food 7. Love is supernature 8. Love is liquid. The number of data were appeared the most is “Love is nature” found 25 words equal to 29.07%. The result revealed that Japanese’s life is closely related to nature. Japanese’s Way of life harmonize with nature utmost. The conceptual metaphors certainly show that Japanese people use their daily experiences or things as a source of conception to compare with love in order to clarify its abstract concepts.

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อิงสถิตธนวันต์ น., & Cunthrampunt, soontaree. (2021). The conceptual metaphors of love from Japanese music. Manutsat Paritat: Journal of Humanities, 43(1), 49–68.
Research Articles


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