Personal Factors and Social Factor Related to COVID-19 Preventing Behavior of Srinakharinwirot University Students

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Kongkrapan Chatree
Chanawat Unkeaw
Chayanut Laksanavicharn
Teerachon Polyota
Pinyapan Piasai


This correlational research aims to study the relationship between personal factors: empathy, situation awareness, self-regulation and social influence on COVID-19 preventing behavior of Srinakharinwirot university students. And to predicted COVID-19 preventing behavior of Srinakharinwirot university students through these factors. The subjects were 120 students in Srinakharinwirot university, which selected the sample by convenience sampling. The data were collected by a questionnaire consisting of 5 parts - empathy, situation awareness, self-regulation, social influence and COVID-19 preventing behavior with a reliability level between .72 to .87. The data were analyzed by Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis through the Enter method. The results of this study were 1) Personal factors (empathy to COVID-19 preventing behavior, situation awareness to COVID-19 preventing behavior and self-regulation to COVID-19 preventing behavior) and social influence to COVID-10 preventing behavior had positive correlation with COVID-19 preventing behavior at a statistical significance level of .001. 2) Personal factors (empathy to COVID-19 preventing behavior, situation awareness to COVID-19 preventing behavior and self-regulation to COVID-19 preventing behavior) and social influence to COVID-19 preventing behavior were able to predict COVID-19 preventing behavior at 47 % at a statistical significance level of .001.

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How to Cite
Chatree, K. ., Unkeaw, C. ., Laksanavicharn, C. ., Polyota, T. ., & Piasai, P. . (2021). Personal Factors and Social Factor Related to COVID-19 Preventing Behavior of Srinakharinwirot University Students. Manutsat Paritat: Journal of Humanities, 43(2), 136–153.
Research Articles


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