Forgiveness Process of Injured Persons: A Case Study of the Seriously Injured Youths from the Criminal Case of the Central Juvenile and Family Court

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Pimchanok Manotham
Amaraporn Surakarn
Supat Sanjamsai


The purpose of this study was to find the process of forgiveness in seriously injured youths from the criminal case of the central juvenile and family court. This study used qualitative research method of case study. The data were collected using in-depth interview method. The key informants of this research were 8 injured persons who were seriously injured from the criminal case of the central juvenile and family court. The collected data were analyzed by content analysis method and verified the reliability of the data using triangulation and investigator triangulation technique. The results of this research showed the forgiveness process of seriously injured youths from the criminal case which could be divided into six stages:1) perception of negative feeling; 2) understanding negative feelings; 3) situational evaluation; 4) managing thoughts and feelings; 5) deciding to forgive; 6) forgive behaviors. The findings would be useful for the central juvenile and family court as guidelines for developing programs to strengthen forgiveness based on elements of the forgiveness process. In addition, it could be a guideline for psychologists to counsel the injured persons and their families in the justice system.

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How to Cite
Manotham, P., Surakarn, A., & Sanjamsai, S. (2021). Forgiveness Process of Injured Persons: A Case Study of the Seriously Injured Youths from the Criminal Case of the Central Juvenile and Family Court. Manutsat Paritat: Journal of Humanities, 43(2), 1–16.
Research Articles


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