Thai Teachers of Modern Era Can Teach and Conduct Researches


  • Prasit Srathorng


Being a teacher, Teaching, Classroom research


Problem solving that leads to systematic practice has been accepted in the problem solving or development process of the research. As the research is a process of seeking knowledge or scientific facts, and of statistical process to solve problems or develop knowledge, the systematical teaching research is a way for teachers to get the answer or facts to make decisions in teaching and learning. The method usually used in teaching is the classroom research. It is really a guideline to conduct the research to develop teaching and to solve problems or organize activities appropriate for students with learning problems. In order to develop innovative media designed for experimentation in teaching and learning, the teachers seek ways or alternatives to solve problems or develop learners’ learning so that they can maximize the benefits for the students. The purpose is to develop the potential of learners by using innovations that are appropriate for the learners and have a real relationship with the problem.


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