The Development of the Local Government Support Personnel in Samutsakhon Province with the Sangahavatthu 4


  • Dr.Phramaha Maen Kuppatarangsi


Development, Sangahavatthu 4, Local Government Support Personnel, Samutsakhon Province


The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to study the knowledge about the object Sangahavatthu 4 of local government support personnel in Samutsakhon Province 2) to study the development of the local government support personnel in Samutsakhon Province with the Sangahavatthu 4, 3) to compare the development of the local government support personnel in Samutsakhon Province with the Sangahavatthu 4 classified to personal factors, and 4) to correlate between the knowledge about the object of Sangahavatthu 4 and the development of the local government support personnel in Samutsakhon Province. Research was mixed both quantitative and qualitative ones. The sample group was the 282 people who were local government support personnel in Samutsakhon Province, including in-depth interviews with 5 key informants. The tools were questionnaires and structured in-depth interviews. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test F test and correlation coefficient. The results of the research were found that the knowledge about the object of Sangahavatthu 4 of local government support personnel in Samutsakhon Province was on a high level in all aspects. The development of the local government support personnel in Samutsakhon Province with the Sangahavatthu 4 was on a high level in all aspects. The results of hypothesis testing were found that the local government support personnel in Samutsakhon Province with different genders, position, and monthly income had no difference on the development with the Sangahavatthu 4. However, the personnel with different ages as well as education had different of the development with the Sangahavatthu 4 with the statistical significance at .05, and the correlation between the knowledgeabout the object of Sangahavatthu 4 and the development of the local government support personnel in Samutsakhon Province were found correlated.


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