The psychometric evaluation of Resilience scale Among Sergeant of School


  • Nuchpiya Thongchot Naval Medical Department


Resilience Quotient, Psychometric, Construct Validity


The Objectives of the study were to psychometric evaluation of Resilience Scale Among Sergeant of School Validate Reliability, Index of Item Object Congruence and Construct Validity by Confirm factor Analysis (Measure 5 factors Likert 5 Rating Scale 22 Items). The sample were 108 students in Naval Operational Medical School at Naval Medical Department using the purposive sampling. Data analysis based on descriptive statistic,the index of consistency,the Cronbach alpha coefficients, Second order confirm factor analysis was carried outusing LISREL. The resultpsychometric evaluation ofthe study show that 1) Cronbach’s alpha reliability at 0.98 2)The second confirmatory factor analysis of RQ measurement model fit quite well with empirical data set (χ2/df=1.85, GFI=0.76, CFI=0.99, AGFI=0.70, NFI=0.98 RMR=0.02, RMSEA=0.08) 3) The students had RQ in high level.


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