Suwannaphum : An Analysis of Belief and Religious Dimension


  • Manop Nakkanrian Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhornrajavidyalaya Campus
  • Banchuen Nakkanrian Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhornrajavidyalaya Campus
  • Chatsuphang Saramart Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhornrajavidyalaya Campus


Suwannaphum, Intellectual Civilization, Modified Mix


Suwannaphum was a land known to the Indians, Lankans, Chinese and Western peoples, each of which called it a different name. But, it had the same meaning as “golden land” which implies for “fertile land”. In the 3rd century, Suwannaphum was a land where Buddhism was spreading at the 8th line, led by Phrasonathera and Phra uttarathara. They have brought the teaching of Buddhism which was an intellectual civilization worthy of implementation as an alternative to the local people. It resulted in modified mix of traditional beliefs, Brahmanism and Buddhism.


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