Death preparation based on Buddhist concepts


  • Suthep Sritong Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhornvidyalaya Campus


Buddhist paradigm, Death preparation, Buddhist healthy death, Life and death


The study of death is limited and remains a mystery to humans. According to the Buddhist principles, death is a common condition associated with birth, regarding with three interrelated symptoms between life and death. These are Aniccata (impermanence), Dukkhata (the state of being subject to suffering) and Anattata (soullessness) that affect the happiness and suffering of all beings. There are two aspects of death in Buddhism: death and birth, and death and cessation. The first death is the death of the mortal people, upon death, it still has to be reborn in various realms according to karmic fruits, but the second death, death and cessation, is the death of Arahant, who has none of all desires and will not be born again. The concept of Buddhism therefore is the way of treating death with the ultimate goal of never being born again, so it can be regarded as true death. The Buddhists have to learn, practice, and train their body and mind in order to lead to the transformation of themselves from the mundane level to the supramandane level, with the main methods which are the Sila (precepts), Samadhi (meditation) and Panna (wisdom). As for the attitude towards death and the way of dealing with it, the more people consider death to be normal, it will only greatly reduce the suffering caused by death. Acquaintance with death to face it consciously is a good quality death according to Buddhism.


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