Educational Supervision in the Situation of the COVID-19 Epidemic : A Case Study on A Using SM3 supervisory process


  • Sutidan Phonrawatjaradwat Suratthani Provincial Education Office


Supervision Process, Teacher Development,, Classroom Action Research


Reformation of traditional education supervision was accelerated by the 2019 COVID-19 pandemic, prompting an educational supervision process which is the combination between participatory action research and blended learning concepts. The supervisory process is SM3, where SM1 is social media supervision, SM2 is supervision Meeting, and SM3 is supervisory by opening innovation houses. The supervision activities were adjusted according to the coronavirus outbreak situation following the measure from the government. Supervising learning innovation, supervisors via social media, from classroom research of primary school teachers helps teachers to invent teaching innovation. Most teachers strongly believe that the educational supervision process initiates knowledge and understanding to develop learning innovation and to improve writing for an innovation development report. The supervision is strongly supported by that the innovations from 30 schools are qualified as the district quality schools project under the Office of the Basic Education Commission Ministry of Education.


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