Development of resilience scale concerned with social desirability responses for the Naval operational medicine school


  • Nuchpiya Thongchot Naval Medical Department


Resilience, Social desirability, Naval operation medicine school


This research regarding development methodologies aims to develop resilience scale regarding social desirability responses of the Naval operational medical school (NOMS).
The samples consist of 110 NOMS students. The instruments are resilience scale and social desirability scale analyzed by descriptive statistic and inferential statistic. The results are as following. 1) The 26 items of resilience scale are 1.1) the discrimination index is between 0.20 - 0.73.,
1.2) the Index of Item–objective congruence (IOC) is between 0.60 to 1.00, 1.3) the second order confirmatory factor analysis shows that the measurement model has a goodness of fit gif.latex?\fn_cm&space;\chi&space;2=238.03 df=32 p=0.06 CFI=0.95 NFI=0.95 RMR=0.04 RMSEA=0.02) and 1.4) the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is 0.89. 2) The results for 40 items of Social desirability scale are 2.1) the discrimination index is between 0.31-0.57, 2.2) the Index of Item-objective congruence (IOC) is between 0.60 to 1.00, 2.3) the second order confirmatory factor analysis shows that the measurement model has a goodness of fit  gif.latex?\fn_cm&space;\chi&space;2=1629.361 df=665 p=0.05 CFI= 0.98 NFI=0.95 RMR = 0.02 RMSEA=0.01) and 2.4) The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is 0.90. 3). It can conclude that the most of NOMS students are at high resilience level and the rest are at medium level.


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