The effect of using STEM Education supervision process for Surat Thani teachers


  • Sutidan Phonrawatjaradwat Suratthani Provincial Education Office


Supervision process, Teacher Development potential, STEM Education


This research aims as followings. The first, 1), is to study the effect of using STEM Education supervision process and population groups are teachers in Surat Thani Province. Regarding the effect of using STEM Education, there are 1.1) to compare pre and post using the supervision process the knowledge of STEM Education learning management, 1.2) to study the quality of the STEM Education learning management plan and 1.3) to study the STEM Education learning management behaviors. The second, 2), is to study the satisfaction of teachers towards supervision through the process of STEM Education supervision. The population are 2,034 teachers teaching science, technology and mathematics in the academic year 2021. The target participants in this research were teachers relevant in science, technology and mathematics about 18 participants. These 18 participants were obtained from a specific selection (Purposive sampling). The result revealed that it was necessary to manage learning following the STEM guidelines of teachers. The most necessary was the Integrated learning design followed by the assessment of work processes and students' results. Teachers had higher scores on the STEM Education learning management knowledge test.  According to the STEM education approach, the learning management plan's overall quality was at a good level. Regarding STEM Education learning management behaviors, it was found that the overall results of the teachers' first assessment were at a moderate level. The results of the second assessment were at a good level. The teachers' satisfaction with the supervision process of the STEM education approach for teachers in Surat Thani was at the highest level.


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