Health literacy and behavioral health personnel retirement of the Royal Thai Navy


  • Benjapak Sanghuaiprai St Theresa International College
  • Kittipat Sanghuaiprai ์Naval Medicine Department
  • Upsorn Chanvithitkul St Theresa International College
  • Sumonta Mangmee St Theresa International College


Health Literacy, Behavioral Health, Personnel Retirement


Health literacy and behavioral health of retired person were part of this research. The topic of the research was guidelines for developing elderly health service systems of the Royal Thai Navy. The objective of this study aimed to examine the health status which were health literacy and health behavior of retirement. The target groups were 323 naval officers retired in 2020 from 39 departments and they were allocated proportionally. General analysis had been done statistically which were frequency, percentage distribution and the correlation was analyzed by correlation statistics. The results showed as the followings. Regarding BMI index, 41.49 percent, most of retired people, had a body mass index in the obesity level at BMI 25 - 29.9, and 29.41 percent were overweight with BMI 23.0 - 24.9. Regarding diseases, top three congenital diseases were hyperlipidemia, blood pressure and diabetes. The critical result showed that it was very important for giving health cognition to retired people. 214 people, 68.98 percent, needed health service assistance, 221 people the most retired people, 66.25 percent, wanted to receive health services in hospitals. For overall retired people, 68.42 percent was health communication self-management and media literacy and 68.44 percent was at a fair level.
For low score analysis regarding health communication about 58.99 percent of study groups, the correct discrimination decision according to the principle behavioral health had an overall score accounted for 80.26 percent at an excellent level. The overall health literacy and the overall health behavior score according to the behavioral health principle were adequate which were 70.21 and 73.16 percent scores, respectively. Regarding the relationship between health literacy, Health behaviors according to the behavioral health principles and quality of life was statistically significant positive correlation (r=.407) at the .01 level. The relationship between overall health literacy according to the behavioral health and quality of life was low positive correlation (r=.239) with a statistical significance at the .01 level. Lastly, the relationship between the behavioral health and quality of life, there was very low positive correlation (r = .182) with statistical significance at the .01 level.



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