A Needs Assessment of Debsirin School’s Academic Management Based on The Concept of Digital Entrepreneur


  • Panapol Phetra Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
  • Penvara Xupravati Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University


Academic Management, Digital Entrepreneur, Needs Assessment


The instruments in this research were the questionnaire designed with five-level rating scales. The statics for analysis were mean, standard deviation, and Modified Priority Needs Index (PNImodified). The research revealed that the needs assessment of the Debsirin School’s academic management regarding the concept of digital entrepreneur classified by academic management aspects were as following the highest need for development about the Learning Management at .485 (PNImodified = .485), the need of the Curriculum Development at .444 (PNImodified = .444), the lowest need for the Evaluation resulted at .438 (PNImodified = .438). Regarding the concept of digital entrepreneur, the highest need for development about the Digital Marketing was at .531 (PNImodified = .531), the Finance Management was at .505 (PNImodified = .505) whereas the Presentation and Communication had the lowest need for development resulting .371 (PNImodified = .371). The result concluded that main focus of the academic development had to be Learning Management which should emphasize on digital marketing for improving learners' digital entrepreneur skills.


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