Analysis of the Correlation among Creative Leadership, Organizational Commitment, and Joy at Work of Personnel in National Research Council of Thailand, Bangkok
Creative leadership, Organizational commitment, Joy at work, National Research Council of ThailandAbstract
The objectives of this study were, 1) to examine the level of creative leadership, organizational commitment, and joy at work of personnel, 2) to compare the joy at work of personnel, based on different personal factors, 3) to explore the relationship between creative leadership and joy at work of personnel, and 4) to study the relationship between organizational commitment and joy at work of personnel. It is exploratory research. The samples of this study were 217 personnel in the National Research Council of Thailand, Bangkok. Data were collected using the questionnaires, and the statistical methods used for analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, F-test, least significant difference, and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. The statistical significance was set at .05 and .01 levels. Results indicated that: 1) the perceived levels of creative leadership, organizational commitment, and joy at work of personnel were high, 2) personnel in National Research Council of Thailand had differences in joy at work based on gender, marital status, job title, medical eligibility, monthly income, and working years, 3) creative leadership was positively correlated with joy at work, and 4) organizational commitment was positively correlated with joy at work, with statistical significance at the .05 level.
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