The development of school administration model 5MSG for development of teacher competency in learning management for raise the level of learning achievement of Phoowittaya School
school administration model, teacher’s learning management competency, learning achievementAbstract
The objectives of this research were to 1) study (the current conditions), problems, and guidelines for management and development of the teacher competency in learning management to raise the level of learning achievement of Phoowittaya School; 2) develop a school administration model that affects the development of the teacher competency in learning management to raise the level of learning achievement; 3) implement the developed school administration model; and 4) study the satisfaction toward the developed school administration model. The Research and Development (R&D) methodology was divided into 4 phases as follows: Phase 1 (R1) : study (the current conditions), problems, and guidelines for management and development through qualitative data using interviews. The key informants consisted of one administrator, 43 teachers, and 10 experts. Phase 2 (D1) : develop school administration model that affects the development of teacher competency in learning management (to raise the level of) students learning achievement of Phoowittaya School. The evaluation included Model’s utility, feasibility, propriety and accuracy by 9 experts. Phase 3 (R2) : implement the school administration model using Participatory Action Research two semesters. The participants consisted of 1 school administrators, 43 teachers, and 730 students. Phase 4 (D2) : evaluate satisfaction toward the developed school administration model. The target group consisted of 1 administrator, 43 teachers, and 13 member of the basic education school committee. The research tools consisted of the interview form, the model quality assessment form, and the satisfaction questionnaire. Quantitative data analysis used the descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean (M), and standard deviation (SD). Qualitative data were analyzed by using content analysis and inductive summarization. The results of the research are summarized as follows: 1. The state of problems of teacher competency in learning management is predominantly attributed to a lack of awareness among teachers regarding contemporary and diverse teaching methodologies. Moreover, resistance to change impedes the efficacy of learning achievement. A systematic management approach focusing on continuous development of both teachers' and students' competencies is essential for addressing this challenge. 2. The developed model of school educational administration that affects the development of teacher competency in learning management to raise the level of learning achievement, was at the highest level of utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy. 3. The development of teacher competency in learning management found that the teacher competency in learning management was at a high level, with 9.31%. In the academic year 2022, students’ levels of learning achievement, desired characteristics and the competencies were rated from good to excellent level, increased showing an from the academic year 2021. ansd 4. The evaluation of satisfaction toward the developed model of school administration found that overall was at the highest level.
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