Thai Book Culture during the Reign of King Rama IV to the Early of King Rama IX’s Reign: A Case Study of Semi-Academic Pocket Books

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Vannaporn Phongpheng


This article studies the characteristics of Thai book culture during the reign of King Rama IV to the early of King Rama IX’s reign from the analysis of semi-academic pocket books written by cultural elites, royal family members, and scholars. The study found that the production and distribution of semi-academic pocket books reveals intellectual movement in Thai society within the context of Western colonialism, the 1932 absolute monarchy revolution and the post-World War II era. The influence of political factors is evident in social science and humanities pocket books written by cultural elites, resulting in a continued production and distribution of pocket books in these disciplines, particularly travelogues and knowledge diaries, to forward the state ideology of ‘Thainess’ to the public. In science and technology, only pocket books that describe the relationship between Buddhism and science are produced and distributed in support of state ideology. In accordance with the state’s knowledge ideology communication, comparative and integration concepts are used in knowledge presentation. Meanwhile, the construction of knowledge is based on the author’s superiority as political elites, cultural elites and knowledge pioneers, and on the creation and integration of elite culture. These two sets of knowledge have substantially contributed to research in social science and humanities and also to the learning of general public about Thai social history.


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