“Adolescent Mother” Discourse: A Case Study of the National Strategic Plan of the Prevention and Solution of Adolescent Pregnancy Problems B.E. 2560 - 2569 (2017 - 2026)

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Patcha Jeungklinchan
Malee Jirawattananon
Narupon Duangwises


This study aims to analyze the “adolescent mother” discourse written under the scientific power and knowledge as stated in the National Strategic Plan of the Prevention and Solution of Adolescent Pregnancy Problems B.E. 2560 - 2569 (2017 - 2026). The Foucault’s discourse analysis method was used to identify the definition of “adolescent mothers” and the reproduction of the meaning of “gender” associated with biological and sexual norms used by Thai state to control tthe female adolescent reproductive health. Data was collected from documents and in - depth interviews of 12 participants involved in the study. It was found that the definition of “adolescent mothers” in the national strategic plan is in line with universal standard of the modern age knowledge, making “adolescent mothers” a social problem. Sexuality and reproductive health knowledge derived from biological gender identity put more pressures on women than men, resulting in continuing sexual bias. This is accepted by women,    however, as long as they have rights over their body.

            According to the national strategic plan, “adolescent mothers” refer to both adolescents and children. Consequently, Thai state uses governmentality to control the reproduction of sexual responsibility and childhood discourses to encourage their self - regulation with biopower. Meanwhile, good mother discourse gives rise to social expectation that “adolescent mothers” raise their child; otherwise they are considered   irresponsible mothers.

                  Further studies should be made on the national strategic plan on such topics as sexual relations and carnality of Thai adolescents to disclose hidden discourse related to adolescent pregnancy; and the role of “adolescent mothers” as performers and contributors to the national strategic plan development. It is suggested that the role of experts and practioners in defining and evaluating “adolescent mothers” be lessened and partially replaced by adolescent mothers’ self - evaluation.


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