The role of data science in online education
Data Science, Big Data, Data Analytics, Learning Analytics, Online Educationบทคัดย่อ
This article offers a review of the major literature about data science and its implications over the past 15 years. It agrees that choosing to study data science at the point of choice requires a research focus on big data, data analytics, learning analytics, machine learning with modelling, and prediction. Starting from a consideration about the importance of data science with three types of data, big data includes five properties (five Vs), machine learning with the many concerns of influence, data analytics with four types of data analytics, learning analytics, online education (MOOCs and blended learning) related to big data, and data science in online education with perspectives on a ‘data scientist’ and benefits of data science for educational institutions. In the online education environment of MOOCs and blended learning, big data and learning analytics are implemented to analyse students’ learning and track their learning success efficiently. The literature itself points to the crucial importance of the quality and management of data. In particular, major implications, especially online education, are summarized, and they can be utilized as a reference for researchers.
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