The Criterion of The Happiness of Elderly people in Thai Society

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Phramaha Wanlop Vajiravaṃso
Phrakhrupalad Phanuwat Phoisup


This article entitled to study the concept of the Happiness in Buddhism, to study the problem of Elderly people in Thai Society and to present The Criterion of The Happiness of Elderly people in Thai Society. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents. In the research, it was found that happiness that arises from peace, goodness and virtue within the mind, resulting in happiness. The results of their expression on the people around them are in a good way. The criteria for judging happiness for the elderly in Thai society are: 1) In the physical, they should have precepts as a basis for regulating physical and verbal behavior to be in good deeds; 2) In the psychological, they should be persistent in making merit with monks and sharing happiness, preserving Buddhism, giving compassion, generosity, and generosity 3) In social and coexistence, they should be benevolent based on understanding and optimism 4) In economic and income, they should be abstained from cause of ruin and known how to allocate the money that is obtained, having compassion and helping by sharing.

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Academic Articles


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