A Causal Relationship Model of Positive Health Care Behavior in HIV Infected People in Nopparatjathanee Hospital

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Wanwisa Timmanop
Phukvalai Charoensak
Lampong Klomkul
Koon Potong


The aims of this research were to make a causal relationship model of positive health care behavior in HIV-infected people who were cured at Nopparatrajathanee Hospital and to inspect the corresponding between the models and empirical data. The samples were 450 of HIV-infected people who were cured at Nopparatrajathanee Hospital. The latent variables used in the research were health care behavior on physical body, society, mentality and cognition. The research instrument was a questionnaire with rating scale, 5 levels, of positive health care behavior. The path analysis was used to analyze the data.
It was found that the 2 causal models, 1) a causal relationship model of positive health care behavior on physical body was corresponding to the empirical data considered by the result of inspecting statistical value of chi-square equaled to 9.41, p equaled to 0.40. At the degree of freedom equaled to 9. The goodness-of-fit index: GFI equaled to 0.99. The adjusted goodness-of-fit index: AGFI equaled to 0.97. Root mean square residual: RMR equaled to 0.010. The variables in the model could explain variance in the variable of health care behavior on society, 69 percent. Health care behavior on cognition effected on health care behavior on physical body. Health care behavior on mentality was a mediator of variable.
2) A causal relationship model of positive health care behavior on society was corresponding to the empirical data considered by the result of inspecting statistical value of chi-square equaled to 19.43, p equaled to 0.79. At the degree of freedom equaled to 12. The goodness-of-fit index: GFI equaled to 0.99. The adapted goodness-of-fit index: AGFI equaled to 0.98. Root mean square residual: RMR equaled to 0.017. The variables in the models could explain variance in the variable of health care behavior on physical body, 100 percent. Health care behavior on cognition effected on health care behavior on physical body. Health care behavior on mentality was a mediator of variable.

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