Promoting the Roles and Duties of Individuals in Thai Families According to the 6 Principles (Thit 6) of Buddhism

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Phra Suphat Analayo


The article aims to promote the use of Buddhist principles in integrating applications for Buddhist family management. This article studied from related document and research papers on Buddhism. The study indicated that promoting the roles and duties of Thai families according to the 9 principles of Buddhism contain with the problems of couples in today’s society that lack responsibility for their roles cause problems later such as infidelity. Secretly having close relationship with another couple’s husband which causing the couple to divorce, suspicious of each other, assault or even the use of violence to die. For this reason, Dharma principle in Buddhism can solve problems between couples to be happy with the principle for the family, namely 1) Samachiwittham 4 is a principle for the young couple to have a method for choosing their spouse’s life, and 2) the direction is a principle for their duties and others in line with the Buddhism. In this case, only the Dharma topic related to husbands to wives, wives and husbands and applying principles to solve family problems Dharma Samachiwitham 4 is used to select his spouse in order to prolong the love life of a spouse and applying the principles to the responsibility of the role of the spouse according to the direction of the husband and wife to be responsible, have integrity in their roles, and finally able to solve the problem of the family. The husband and wife are living together for a long time and have a happy life in that couple.

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Academic Articles


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