The Arguments for Euthanasia in Present Society

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Mae Chee Dhammadhisthana Pornbandalchai


This article entitled to study the Euthanasia, to analyze the arguments for Euthanasia in present society. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents. In the research, it was found that Euthanasia is to die in peace or die well. Euthanasia is considered in terms of the right to die of a patient considered in terms of the advocate's right to choose to live or die according to the precedent dignity. And the dissenters considered in terms of their inability to grant the right of life to be transferred to anyone to kill. And the concept of ethics and euthanasia They agree on the medical necessity to decide to kill, centered on necessity and with good intentions. They also need to understand the consequences of karma. Euthanasia is something that should not happen in society because euthanasia is killing for any reason It has a value in itself that represents evil, therefore the evil of killing is still evil. It cannot be changed to anything else. It is unacceptable, and euthanasia should be absolute, not relative.

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Academic Articles


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