Political Theory Political Theory Political Theory Political Theory Political Theory Political Theory Political Theory Political Theory Political Theory Political Theory Political Theory Political Theory Political Theory Political Theory Political Theory Political Theory Political Theory and Curnd Curnd Curnd Curnd Curnd Current Role rent Role rent Role rent Role rent Role rent Role rent Role rent Role rent Role rent Role and Path ond Path ond Path ond Path ond Path ond Path ond Path ond Path on

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This article entitled to study the concept of the Political Theory, to analyze the value of Education in Current Time. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents. In the research, it was found that Political theory is a branch of political science. Political theory is considered a success for state building. Because it has been scrutinized from the political philosophy in detail By going through the analysis, testing, experiments and proven results obtained. Is a scripture that is a concept of each era Along with the benefits that will happen to the society and the country truly Political theory has both its value and benefits and is given to it as a World Heritage Site. The article, " political theory and current roles and paths in education " will present relevant issues including: 1) Meaning and Importance of Political theory. 2) Political theory and its relationship with other disciplines, 3) benefits and values of studying political theory, and 4) Political theory and current roles and paths in education. Throughout to guide further education.

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Academic Articles


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