Factors Affecting the Performance Affected of the Personnel in office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Tourism and Sports

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Warunee Kerdkouwong


This research article aims to 1) To study the motivation factor that affecting the performance of the Office 2) To study the maintenance factors that affecting the performance of the Office of the Permanent Secretary. This research is the survey research by questionnaires 3 parts are personal data, factor that affecting the effectiveness and job performance efficiency. Population are a government official, permanent employee and government employees of Office of the Permanent Secretary.
The research findings that the motivation factor that affecting the performance of the Office of the Permanent Secretary have a relationship in the same direction as the job performance efficiency of the Office of the Permanent Secretary. When considerate each side that it can be sort of the results of the relationship descending found the motivation factors between job description and job progress with the job performance efficiency of the Office of the Permanent Secretary found the maintenance factors that affecting the performance of the Office of the Permanent Secretary shows the maintenance factors have a relationship in the same direction as the job performance efficiency of the Office of the Permanent Secretary. When considerate each side that it can be sort of the results of the relationship descending found the motivation factors between relationship with supervisor, compensation and benefits and relationship with colleagues with the job performance efficiency of the Office of the Permanent Secretary had level of significance. The motivation factors working environment with the job performance efficiency of the Office of the Permanent Secretary had level of significance.

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